Objectives of DIET

Guidance regarding Education, Research and Training, Planning and Administration etc. then was being imparted through Institutions like National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) and State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) until the adoption of National Education Policy 1986. Below the state level, there were initial education but its activities were limited to pre-service training. In the same way, help was being provided in the field of Adult Education through the Central Adult Education Directorate of the National level and State Resource Centre’s (SRCs) at the state level.


Three Tier System District Level

During the period of implementation of National Policy on Education (NPE), functions of primers and adult education were so much extended and expanded that only agencies at the national and state level were not sufficient enough to cope up with the work. Retention of students and quality education became essential along with universalization of education. It was also essential that teachers get trained with new trends and innovations in education, educational methods, techniques and Teaching-Learning Material (TLM). Imparting training to in service teachers became a must, so that this get well-equipped. Until now, only school education was being emphasized while taking about improvement in education, but consideration of out of school-children is also equally important. This great work of making universalization of education and retention as well as making quality education available to all could not be done only through education system teachers and few private agencies. In fact, co-operation of different sections of the society non-government organizations (NGO), village people, panchayats etc. should be trained. The work was not limited to only implementation and expansion of the National and the State level. Then a need was felt to expand the same from the State level to the District level and that resulted in the establishment of “District Institutions of Education and Training”. Thus the third tier was added, which can perform the work of orientation of education in the whole of the district.


Objectives of DIET’s Aim :-

To provide educational and TLM help for success of different strategies and programs undertaken in the field of primary     (initial) and adult education at the foundation stage.The scope of DIETs is to cover primary (initial) and adult education.

Initial education means primary and initial education. This emphasizes universalization, retention and quality education. Along with it, formal school education and non-formal education (i.e. children of both these streams) have to be considered. Persons of 15 to 35 age group have to be covered under National Literacy Mission (NLM).The DIETs have to play an important role in this work.

Various strategies undertaken by the Centre or the State are to be implemented at the district level by DIET.

DIETs have to provide educational and all technical help at the grass-root level to interior-remote schools – children teachers’ education Centre by keeping personal contacts.